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If one or more baby raccoons are found on the ground:
The babies should be placed in a secure container and kept in a dark quiet place. The container should be deep enough that the babies cannot escape but still allow the adult raccoon to retrieve her young. At dusk, place the container on the ground where the babies were found. Leave the box outside from dusk until daylight. Keep the area dark, quiet and clear of people and pets. If the mother does not return by daylight, contact the Wildlife Rescue Center for further instruction. Never feed a baby raccoon. Improper food can cause serious medical problems. 

If a den tree has fallen or been cut down:
Gather young and place in secure towel lined box in a dark quiet place. Place the box close to the downed tree den. Keep the area clear of humans and pets and replace the young at dusk. If the babies are not retrieved by daylight, call the Wildlife Rescue Center for further instruction. 

If several young are found in a trash can or dumpster: 
It is likely that they have followed their mother in the search for food and were unable to free themselves. Raccoons at this age should not be handled. Simply turn the trash can onto its side to free the young. A board or tree branch with proper traction can be placed diagonally in a dumpster to give the raccoons a means to climb out safely. Raccoons are nocturnal and may not exit the dumpster until it is dark and quiet. 

If one or several raccoon babies are observed in a tree: 
A mother raccoon may leave her babies precariously perched in a tree where they are easily visible. Attempts to rescue these youngsters may result in the emergence of a very angry mother raccoon. If the baby raccoons have been observed in the same spot for over 24 hours, contact the Wildlife Rescue Center for further instruction. 

Contact the Wildlife Rescue Center at (636) 394-1880 for instruction on any situation not covered by the preceding information. 

I found a wild raccoon
Injured Raccoon
I found a wild animal

Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center

1128 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021

Phone: (636) 394-1880
Fax: (636) 394-8143

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